Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Likeable Characters = Happy Readers

    Think for a moment about your favorite character from a book, or even a TV show or movie.
    Why is s/he your favorite? Is it their looks, their awesome abilities, their hilarious clumsiness, their merciless sarcasm, their unique look on the world? Do you like them most of all because they're a lot like yourself, or because they've got qualities you want to have?
    Chances are, you may have said yes to at least one of those questions. I believe that the stuff listed are some of the components for a great and likeable character, the best kind of character.
    Reading a book, you're not only going on the same journey as the main characters, but you spend time with them, in their heads, with their friends. As a writer, you'd want your main character to be someone the readers want to spend time with. After all, who would you rather hang out with: a charming, funny, and smart guy who likes having the same kind of fun you enjoy, or a jerk who hates everyone, has nothing in common with you at all, and is always complaining about something?
    Readers will want to read a book about a likeable character. Characters they can relate to, laugh with, have a great time with, characters they'll want to be around. Sure, they'll still have issues (all people do) but this is also really good for a character because readers will want to see them overcome those issues.
    Well, I hope this helps. Have fun with your characters! :)

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