Friday, October 30, 2015

Out Of The Comfort Zone

    No one would voluntarily slap the palm of their hand onto a burner they know is piping hot, right? Of course not; because it would hurt--a lot. And not a lot of people would agree to walk across a tightrope over a canyon unless they're incredibly daring and well trained. It's a proven fact of life that most people do not do things that cause them discomfort unless they absolutely have to. It's not often that someone voluntarily chooses to leave their comfort zone.
    We're safe in the comfort zone. A person is in their element there, and can usually predict what's going to happen. There are no unpleasant surprises and no serious risks. Outside of the comfort zone is the unknown--which can sometimes be really frightening.
    But there are also adventures out there. Thrilling ones well worth having. Often in life, God beckons us out of the comfort zone to take us on journeys like these. To help us grow and to do awesome things. Sure, there might be some unpleasant dips in the road, but as long as God is guiding you, there's going to be a good end.
    It could be small or something huge. Reciting a speech in front of a group of people, or going on a mission trip. But whatever it is, as long as the Lord is by your side, things are sure to be great!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rival Characters

    Sometimes the protagonist's opponent is someone they face off with for the first time. But other times, the antagonist or the contagonist (someone who opposes or gets in the way of the hero without the malicious intentions an actual antagonist would have) is someone they've known and fought with for a while. Someone who's in constant competition with the protagonist: a rival.
    Rivalries can be major subplots in a story, and also another source of conflict that tests and creates obstacles for the protagonist. In addition, the rival is also a unique character with their own aspirations and role in the story.
    Typically, the protagonist and their rival have similar interests and desires--similar skills that they use to compete for a singular goal. The protagonist's rival is usually the aggressor in their relationship--though sometimes the rival can also be a friend of the protagonist, or a non-aggressive person that the protagonist is determined to be better than. A rival could use honest tactics to try to prevail (using their own skills in a fair competition) or they could use some not-so-honest methods (like sabotage).
    Does your protagonist have a rival? Is s/he smug, amiable, or fierce? Is s/he a calculating mastermind, or are they just plain stubborn to not be bested?

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Proverbs 14:4

"Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; but much increase comes by the strength of an ox."
Proverbs 14:4 (NKJ)

    So if a messy trough means oxen are around, and that's a sign of productivity . . . does that mean that a messy, paper-cluttered desk shows that work is getting done? :)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Why Do You Write?

    In school, as I was walking down a hallway, I saw a poster of sorts put up. On it, there were a number of index cards with writing on it.
    Each card had a sentence on it, someone's reason to write. There was a plethora of statements: To show the world my thoughts. To express my soul. To go into another world. Because I'll fail English class if I don't.
    Every writer has reasons for writing. For one, we just love to! Writing is fun! And we like the characters we write, enjoy going into a world we imagined, adore creating something as intricate and awesome as a story . . .
    When the well of inspiration has run dry, remembering your reason to write can really give you encouragement to keep writing.
    Why do you write?

Ink: The Cure For All Human Ills


"Whenever you are fed up with life, start writing: ink is the great cure for all human ills, as I have found out long ago."
~C.S. Lewis

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Psalm 23:4

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."
Psalm 23:4 (NKJ)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Any Ideas?

    Hey, blog world. You might have noticed that lately I haven't really been doing Thursday/Friday posts every single week. It's because I don't always know what to blog about. Typically Thursday's post subject is about life, but since that's a broad subject . . .
    Is there something else that anyone would like me to blog about as well on Thursdays? If so, please let me know in the comments section. :)
    Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Voices Of Doubt

    On at least one occasion, I've abandoned stories I was writing because of a thought. A couple words in my mind that convinced me to give up on something I was once really, really excited about; on a project that could have had major potential.
    The thought that caused me to quit?  These words: this just isn't working out.
    Those words, that whisper of doubt led to other thoughts. That the story was cliché, that the plot was dry, that the characters were boring, and that the story was unfixable. Those little thoughts that nagged at me, making the project seem more and more useless, quenching my desire to write the story until I gave up on it completely.
    The voices of doubt. Every writer hears them, right? Every writer has gone through something like this in the process of writing--including professional writers who, once they ignored the doubts and kept writing, eventually produced masterpieces that readers adore.
    Don't listen to the voices of doubt! Nothing you write will be useless. Even if you never get that particular story published, you can still have improved writing skills through the process of completing it.
    Keep on writing! Don't give up! :D

Sunday, October 11, 2015

James 3:18

"Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace."
James 3:18 (NKJ)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Character's Power

    Power is extremely important for a character--especially protagonists and antagonists. It's what gives them the ability/strength to do things. Without power, all they can do is think and simmer. A good guy without power can only stand by and watch, and a bad guy without power isn't threatening at all.
    This power can be physical abilities, special information/insight, and other skills. Something that makes a character special; something that they use to do something radical.
    Where do they get their power? It doesn't have to be something they're born with. A character may get their power from a situation they're in, or a place they go to, or from other people. For example: a blackmailer's power would be information, which they could receive from their own investigating skills or from other people. And an athlete's power would be their ability to excel at a sport, which they could improve by practicing at a gym or on an empty field.
    What is your protagonist's "power," and where do they get it from?

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Proverbs 3:5

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;"
Proverbs 3:5 (NKJ)