Thursday, April 30, 2015

One Truth

    The other day, I got in a discussion with a non-Christian friend that didn't go very well.
    We were talking about God and the theory of evolution, and that conversation took a turn towards the topic of truth. What it is. The Bible clearly says that there's one truth, but my friend and a bystander who happened to be listening in seemed comfortable with the notion that truth could be something or something else, but it was okay to get it wrong. They didn't seem concerned at all about believing a theory concerning our origin and our eternity that's not true.
    This is sad and dangerous, regarding truth like a flavor of ice cream--as if it's alright to guess on or even make believe what reality is. Believing that it doesn't matter whether or not you believe in God or the devil or heaven or you-know-where.
    But it does matter!  If there's no solid foundational truth, anything--including something very wrong--would and could be considered right. Mainly, if someone chooses to disregard God's Word, if they choose to think of Jesus Christ as an option they could pass on, they'd literally be condemning themselves.
    The truth is this: we mess up. We need a Savior to redeem us in order for us to get to heaven, to have a relationship with God, and to fulfill our purpose. Jesus Christ is that Savior, the Son of God--and God the Son. We need Him. He loves us, and will redeem us the split-second we ask Him to.
    Truth isn't whatever you want it to be. It's singular and real. That's what makes it true. Agree?

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