Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Beating The Beast Of Writer's Block

Hello, blog world! How's life?
    And for everyone writing, how's the story (or poetry)? Is it coming along? Getting into any writing slumps? Or even--grimace--writer's block?
    Writer's block is a beast. A slug-like beast that grabs you with its tentacles, covers you in slime, makes you drowsy, and immobilizes you. You don't know what to write when you have writer's block--and you may also feel totally dry. It can make a writer dismayed or drive one crazy!
    Here are a few ways to beat that beast (at least, some of the ways I try to beat it):
    -Read. Reading is fun, it refreshes a person in serious need of an adventure, and it stimulates your creativity when imagining the scenery as you read. Not to mention, you could also observe how other writers write and develop some of their techniques. And who knows? Maybe while reading, you'll get a burst of inspiration, a new idea!
    -Write. I know, I know. Writing is the very thing you may be having difficulty with right now. But maybe you're just getting tired of writing a specific thing all the time--maybe your imagination needs a vacation to another setting. Try looking up writing prompts and use them to write some paragraphs (or even just a few sentences). You never know--maybe a character or plot will rise from the prompt that you'll fall in love with instantly.
    -Just Relax. Take a break. We need relaxation every now and then. That's why God invented the Sabbath day. Give your brain a nice rest and do something non-writing related. Take a walk. Watch some movies. Eat a bunch of snacks. Bake something. Chat with some friends. Have fun. :) I've observed that when I to stop thinking about a story for a while, when I come back to it, the story, characters, and storyworld seem much more interesting and fun. Plus my mind isn't tired and stiff.
    -Brainstorm. You'd be amazed how much talking can help a story. It doesn't even have to be a person you talk to. Just talk about the story, the ideas you have, the settings, the problems. Vocalize your thoughts. Pray about it. You might be surprised at what good ideas spring up.
    -Listen To Music. Maybe there are a few songs that fit your story perfectly. Songs that would be background music should your story be adapted into a movie. Try listening to that music. It's encouraging, and maybe your mind will dream up scenes that'd go with the music perfectly.
    Well, I hope these would help. Have a great day! :D


  1. These are totally amazing tips. *nods* Especially the music one. Whenever I get stuck, I put on some headphones and most of the time that helps me get out of my block.
    Otherwise, I always put myself in my character's position and think, "What would I do if I were [insert character's name here]"
    Good post!

    1. Thank you so much! :D Yeah, it's so fun to put oneself in the character's shoes!
