Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Writing Games: Rewriting the Day!

Doing this writing challenge, one could say that this beautiful tree is
metallic, its usual sheen waning as the horizon swallows up the sun.
    Do you ever write down a specific moment in life like it's a scene in a book? It's a great way to preserve memories and to remember a different time. And it presents an interesting writing game.
    Try to remember a specific moment in life (special or ordinary) and how it could be written as a short scene. Then write it with one major difference: change the setting from the real world to a fantasy or science fiction one!
    Who hasn't ever wanted to live in a different setting like that for a little while? Enchanting countryside castles, floating cities, towns with local superheroes. Those places sound awesome! Rewriting a moment with this kind of backdrop makes it possible to be there in a way.  With the actions in the scene being things you actually did, it makes it easier to picture. Reading a scene like this can make a person feel like they're actually there, or that they were there.
    In history class, you could be listening to a hologram teacher while scribbling notes onto a tablet. You could be serenely watching the sunset with your friend through the window of a castle tower. On a public bus, you could watch the passenger in front of you, the cyborg adjusting his hand. Sitting in the park, you could be listening to the birds and to the singing flowers. Just about anything is possible in writing.
    Do you like writing prompts like this?

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