Thursday, August 25, 2016

Lessons from the Squirrel

The Bible talks about things to be learned from animals a couple times, particularly in Proverbs 30. Ants are personified as industrious, grasshoppers are organized, and all over the Bible, people are likened to sheep. These comparisons and lessons to be learned are very helpful to apply to life. So maybe there's at least one lesson to be learned from all animals.
The majestic squirrel
    Including . . . the squirrel. 
    Like the ant, squirrels are industrious. They go out and make meticulous searches for food, extract the food diligently and carefully, and then they go and store up their finds so that they can eat when they can't scavenge anymore. All the things they do have a purpose, something that they gain from. It's a nice work strategy to adopt, and a good way to think when serving the Lord for His Kingdom.

    Squirrels also take risks to get something done. There are sunflowers in my backyard that squirrels come to harvest seeds from, and I've watched those little creatures hang from them upside down by their feet in order to reach the seeds. Seeing how the flower sways beneath their weight with every move they make, one can't help but admire how gutsy they are. It's kind of like having courage to go do the right thing. It can be frightening . . . but there's a harvest.

    Another thing about squirrels that can be applied to life: they're dangerous, but they aren't fierce. It's not safe to try to pick up a squirrel. They have teeth and claws and they will use them when they have to . . . but only when they have to. Squirrels would be pretty intimidating and far less loveable if they always hissed, bristled their tails, and bared their teeth. They would probably ward off a lot more nuisances and predators by doing so, but they don't. Titus 3:2 tells believers "to be peaceable, gentle, showing humility to all men," (NKJ), and 1 Peter 3:4 says that a "gentle and quiet spirit" is "very precious in the sight of God" (NKJ). Gentleness is good. Being gentle and peaceful makes a far better witness for the Lord than being fierce does.
     Have I crossed a line in blogging about squirrels? Or are these observations useful?

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