Thursday, August 18, 2016

Waking Up Early in the Morning

    The Bible mentions waking up early in the morning a couple times. It's a thing that someone does when they're eager to do something. It's a sign of diligence.
    I used to wake up at five or six every morning when I was a kid. It was really great. I would watch the sky change from a dark gray to a light pink or blue or white as the sun rose in the sky, I would enjoy the quietness in the house and the peace of a breakfast in solitude, I'd have a ton of energy, a clearer mind, and there was so much time to do things. Waking up early was awesome.
    Yet somehow, at some point, waking up early started becoming difficult. And though I can really use all of that quiet morning time to do things like working, writing, and eating breakfast, I continually neglect to do what needs to be done in order to wake up early. And I'm totally aware of it as I stay up late, snack on sugary food, and watch movies that'll stay in my mind. It's like I know the best thing to do is to be responsible and turn in . . . but I just don't. And when I do wake up early in the morning, maybe half the time I opt to stay in bed and fall back asleep just because it's comfortable. Blargh! Can anyone else relate to this?
    It's a guilt trip, and not without reason. The act of sleeping in late isn't a sin, but sleeping in every morning is a tad lazy. And laziness is not something God approves of. Almost every time I sleep in, I kick myself for it later, saying, "Sluggard!" and thinking about all the little things I could have gotten done if I hadn't stayed in bed for that extra hour or two.
    So what's a person to do? Apply self discipline, I guess. Pray for self discipline. Maybe even set up a reward system for getting out of bed before a specific time. But praying is definitely on the top of the list.
    Everyone can relate to the temptation to sleep in, right? Aside from setting an alarm clock, what do you do to wake up early?

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