Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thank Goodness the Lord Made Weekends!

Weekends are just like early mornings: serene, pleasant,
and a good time to rest.
    God invented the weekend when He invented the world. The first six days of planet Earth's existence, the Lord spent the hours creating species and constructing ecosystems; but on the seventh day, when the work was complete and satisfactory, He rested and just enjoyed all the things He created. Clearly God didn't need to rest since He doesn't get worn out, so it's generally been concluded that the Lord took a break on the seventh day of the first week as an example for mankind to follow.
    Fortunately, that example has been followed in most if not all places. Not every country in the world specifically has Saturday and Sunday as their days of rest, but every country has at least one day where people don't have to work; where they can relax, recharge, and spend time with loved ones. Everyone has a weekend.
    And those weekends are so good. Life can get extremely hectic sometimes, so full of things to do and places to go. Some days it's like you have to run from place to place until it's time to go to sleep; everything's fast-paced and nonstop. It's definitely not bad to have a bunch of things to do in the day, or even bad to be a little busy, but having a lot of days where you just work, eat, work some more, and finally sleep can really run a person down--especially when those days are stacked against each other. It's so important to be able to slow down, rest, and enjoy free time on a regular basis.
    It's a downright necessity. Aren't you glad we have weekends? :)

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