Thursday, March 30, 2017

A Couple of Things One Can Do with Bible Study Notes

    Note-taking is great. It can be a little rushed, sometimes, but when there's no serious pressure to catch every single bit of information, the process is fun and the result is satisfying. And when the subject of the notes is the Bible, or a sermon given by someone talking about the Bible, it's particularly special. Because the material we're taking notes on is the written word of God, and His wisdom is relevant and applicable to every aspect in life.
    But what does a person do when they've got a bunch of Bible study notes though? It seems sad to gather up so many gems of knowledge only to put it in a folder and not look at it again. Finding ways to keep the notes in mind and in constant application is a nice goal, but how to go through with it?
    Well, one thing a person can do with Bible study notes is sort the information into topics like faith, Christ's divinity, or verses about family relationships. This way, key verses and biblical concepts are easy to locate, and each piece of information has personal significance to the person who arranged it.
    Another use for study notes is to make copies and share them with others. One week there was a really popular study series going on at my church, but a family member couldn't make it, so I typed out my notes for her. She kept them, read them, and then gave it to another relative who didn't make it to the study either. The notes obviously weren't a word-for-word transcription of the study, but it got the main ideas down, and they said it was informational.
    It's also really nice to sit down every once and a while and reread notes just for the sake of revisiting the particular study. It's an opportunity to recall lessons learned, figure out the solution to unanswered questions, and memorize concepts supported by God's word. Plus, notes make very nice material for meditation.
    In addition to these things, there's a wonderful concept that creates a nice idea. Very recently, the leader of a Bible study I attend  said that when we read something in God's word that seems directed right at us, we should write it down because it's a personal lesson from Him. Having one particular document or even a book full of these special  things learned would be amazing not just because it'd help remember specific things the Lord has pointed out to us, but because it's really touching to be able to look back and point out all these moments of instruction He's given.
    So there are a couple things one can do with notes from Bible studies. Do you do any of them? Do you have any other ways that you utilize study notes?

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