Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Special Writing Times

Do you prefer writing during the morning . . .
    The famous authors Ray Bradbury, Toni Morrison, C.S. Lewis, Danielle Steel, and Jack London all have at least one thing in common: they have (or had) a special writing time. They make a habit of committing certain hours of the day to writing. Some of them make sure to be up and scribbling before the sky is blue, others wait until the sun is far above the horizon, and some even wait until the moon makes an appearance to start working on their stories. During this special set time, they're able to write without interruption, giving all their attention to their craft.
    It sounds so awesome! And very productive in developing both story and skill. Each kind of writing time setting has benefits for creating a good writing environment.
the afternoon . . .

    Morning hours are great for writing with a fresh mind, free of distracting thoughts and memories of recent actions. Writing before the sun comes up is also cool in the fact that it's a lot quieter when everyone else is sleeping or just waking up. It's almost like a little pocket of peacefulness in life, a safe couple moments to write without needing to worry about other things.
or at night-time?

    Afternoon hours are very beneficial in how the natural daylight is usually bright. Sitting in front of a window would provide enough lighting to write by without using electricity. Writing during the daytime is also great because during the day, the mind is already pretty awake and active.

    Night hours: it's dark outside at this point, so natural lighting isn't really an option. But there is an opportunity to use candle/lamp light to write by, and I've heard that some people find this kind of lighting very inspirational and even fun. Plus, when one chooses to write at night,  everything else that had to be done is out of the way, completed, and no longer requiring attention, so one can give their absolute attention to the writing.

    Do you have a special writing time? What time of the day is it at? :)

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