Tuesday, August 18, 2015

In Their Element

    Today's writing topic: the character's "element."
    You know, like the phrase "he's in his element"? The place where they thrive, so to speak. Where the character feels most comfortable and does what they do best. For an athlete, that would be the playing field during a game. As for a pianist, they would be in their element seated at the piano, playing the melodious keys to their heart's content. A fighter's element is in the battle, a sailor's is at sea. A dancer's element is when they're dancing, whether that be in private or in front of a large audience.
    People--real and fictional--can be different when they're in their element. They can be far more focused, more confident, and they show more of who they really are. A character in their element shows him/herself at their best, and also shows what makes them come alive.
    What is your character's "element"? What are they like when they're in it? What are they like when they're not in their element?

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