Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Writing Games: Shoes

The condition of a person's shoes can tell some
pretty interesting stories!
    You can learn a lot about a person by their shoes. This is something that's been used in many-a-mystery novel; the extremely observant detective, upon studying the footwear of a suspect or a pair left at a crime scene, can piece together little details and deduce not only who the shoes belong to, but what that person has been doing. In some stories, investigators have put together whole stories just based on what they notice about another character's shoes.
    Outside of the investigation context, that would work really well for summarizing and personifying a character; don't you think? A lot of details about a person's life and personality can be portrayed just by focusing on that one article of their outfit, and the description doesn't need to be long and complicated. It just takes asking a few questions, like:
    What kind of shoes are the character wearing? A character well off in the financial sense with a specific taste for fashion might love to wear designer brands; but they might also like special treasures found in thrift stores. Characters who aren't so well off financially might have hand-me-downs; or they could be wearing shoes that belonged to a loved one because that person isn't around anymore. Or, of course, if there isn't some kind of complicated backstory, the character could have just gotten their shoes at a local shoe store.
    What condition are the shoes in? A soldier in the middle of a devastating war would probably have plenty of cracks in the rubber of their boots and permanent stains on the leather from trudging through a dusty/swampy terrain. And an athlete's shoes might have smooth circles near the worn-out soles, from countless hours of training and competing. Even a character with a relatively "normal" life might have bits of candy/popcorn lodged in their shoes if they work in, say, a movie theater.
    Is there anything on the shoes that are unique to the character? Some people like to doodle in the white spaces on their sneakers; a character with special artsy skills would possibly do that. A clumsy person would probably have scuff marks all over the front of their loafers from bumping into things and tripping, making their shoes unmistakable. And a character who has an odd fascination with a certain color might always aim to wear shoes (or just shoelaces) that have that color; which can be really interesting when the color is one like bright yellow.
    So do any of these ideas bring up unique details about a character in your current work? What kind of details; what kind of shoes do they wear?

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