Thursday, February 16, 2017

A.W. Tozer: "To Be Right with God"

This is kind of what it can feel like when one tires to contribute
God's truth into a discussion.
"To be right with God often means to be in trouble with men."
~A. W. Tozer

    It's good to live life walking in God's ways. Believing His truth, we have peace and joy; staying away from things and practices He warns us of, we have safety; and in developing godly attributes (like love, patience, and faith), we have a full, productive life. Following God's will is good, both for us and for those around us.
    But we all know that living for God isn't a bowl of ice cream. We still go through problems that other people experience (though the Lord leads us out of them with far more peace), but more than that, we face problems that come because we choose to live according to the Lord's will.
    Like sharing the gospel, for example. That's good news (it's the message that God loves everyone and offers salvation from sins based on pure grace!), but in this world, it's not very acceptable to say that the gospel of Christ is absolute truth. Or that certain sinful practices are wrong. Just mentioning Christ in a conversation with friends can prompt them to walk away, or pretend to ignore you and keep talking about their own philosophy. And it's not just talking about spiritual matters, but sometimes just obeying God's commandments can get us in hot water--like refusing to join everyone else in approving of an ungodly practice. Following God's way instead of the often-popular sinful ways can get us glares, it can get us shunned, and in a lot of places, it can get us harmed or even killed.
    But doing what God says is right doesn't only get us in trouble; it's not merely some unpopular thing that we have to do. Doing God's will--hearing and obeying the things He teaches us--is a good thing to do. It's what's right because it's truth, and because the Lord is our God, our Creator and our Redeemer. He has always done the right thing, and His kind wisdom deserves to be harkened to.
    Plus, obedience is pleasing to the Lord (1 Samuel 15:22). And doing what's right in His eyes when it means losing approval from others is like making a sacrifice for Him, showing Him that He means more to us than being accepted by society. And I think that makes Him very, very glad.
    That makes a loss of temporary popularity worth it, don't you agree? Have you ever had a moment where you had to pay a costly price for doing what God says is right?

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