Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Few Tips On Memorizing

    Who wouldn't like to have the ability to remember everything? Studying would be a breeze, you'd never have those awkward moments where you can't remember that friendly person's name, and you could learn a new language easily. Unfortunately, that awesome ability is pretty rare. And memorizing things like Bible verses and intellectual quotes can be pretty difficult.
    But not impossible. Lots of people have effective methods for memorizing things. Here are a few ideas:
    -Writing it down every day. Remember learning cursive in elementary school? Exercises every day. It engraved the way to write in cursive in one's mind at least for a few years. Having a composition book just for the purpose of writing phrases over and over again is all that you'd need.
    -Sticky notes. Or scraps of paper taped/pinned up. They put the words where you can see them constantly and easily. If you put it on a mirror or something, you could read it every day for a minute. The only downside would be if too many notes were put up that they'd become ignorable.
    -Imagine a tune for it. I know, it sounds ridiculous. But it works, especially with Bible verses. Words are beautiful, and sometimes when you read a well-crafted piece, it's like a harmonious voice is speaking in your mind. Right?
    -Association. If a phrase is successfully associated with an object, a place, or a situation, it'll pop into mind whenever it occurs. This is a technique that's used for what's called a "memory palace," which is also a method of memorizing things.
    -Saying it over and over again. There seems to be something about vocally speaking that makes the phrase easier to recall as a whole. Even just mouthing the words can make a sentence as a whole memorable.
    What do you think about these methods? Do you use them yourself?

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