Monday, January 5, 2015

That Easy And That Hard

"This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after the other until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard."
~Neil Gaiman

     Easy said, very difficultly done.
     It's true that sitting down and typing is necessary to get anything done--and it's so hard to actually do it! Admittedly, it can be painful. When we write, we're pouring out our thoughts, our creativity, our energy. Writing can be draining.
    But it's totally worth it in the long run. When you start writing those first few words, they start rolling out, and soon enough you've got a paragraph done, a page, a chapter. In a matter of time, you'll have half a novel done, and eventually a whole one.
    One word at a time. When you're writing a certain amount of words each day, it builds up--a lot. And it is awesome to look back and see how much you've written. :)

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