"God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty."
~Peter Marshall
Things happen in life. Bad things. Frightening things. Things that rock people's lives. It's bound to happen at least once to everybody.
Maybe you're going through some difficulty right now. Maybe you're stressed about the way life is. Maybe there's something terrifying you. Or maybe you've just experienced a huge loss. It's hard--especially when death is involved.
But the amazing (and very relieving) thing is: God promises us that He won't let this happen without bringing a blessing from it. He promises that something good will come out of whatever tragedy you undergo.
This is such a wonderful thing to know--such a wonderful thing to be true. That when God allows a sorrow, He births a joy through it. And He promises that it will be worth it.
Haven't you found that to be true?